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FAQs for all modules


Click here to see the FAQ for Catalogs


On this page you will find some Frequently Asked Questions about the Catalog module.

If you have a question, you can search for it on this page with clicking the buttons Ctrl+F and then entering your question.

How can I change the language?

Just click on the icon at the right top corner and the language you want will be displayed. Click on the Flag to change to the desired language.


How do I see errors and warnings reported for my catalog?

Please see the wiki page Validation Log file and Error Log file.

What does catalog "Valid from" and "Valid to" mean?

While the catalog is valid, it is an active catalog from which your business partner can order products.

You have to make sure that your catalog is in this validation range.

We support you with automatic notification before your catalog expires.

What is a classification system?

The classification system is used to sort every article to a proper product group.

This allows the customer to navigate easier in our procurement system.

How can I request a new password?

Please see the wiki page Resetting password to myCatalogCloud.

How can I upload images and link those to my catalog items?

Please see the wiki page Upload images or mimes.

What happens when my catalog expires?

Please see the wiki page What happens when my catalog expires?

How to write a good ticket?

Please see the wiki page Creating a Ticket: Good Practises

How do I create new users?

Please see the wiki page Registration of additional users

Can I use HTML to improve the formatting in the catalog item information, for example in the longtext?

Yes, HTML5 commands can be used.


Click here to see the FAQs for Orders


On this page you will find some of the most common errors which can occur with Service-Entry-Sheets.

If you have an error message, you can search for it on this page with clicking the buttons Ctrl+F and then entering your error message.

Table of Contents

Error Messages

Error Message


BuyerAID [] does not exist in PO () contract

The services you have selected are not available in the framework agreement stored in the PO.

PO [] does not match the PO [] you want to confirm

You are mixing POs within one Excel file you want to upload.

The header data of the order is still incorrect

This error message comes from the customer SAP. Please get in touch with the customer.

Supplier [] locked () 

The supplier is locked in the customer SAP system. Please get in touch with the customer to unlock you.

Please check the format for DOCFIELD_Faktor [3,4,5]

The Doc_Field Column Faktor in your Excel Upload File has to be filled with numbers (numerical)

Start of work is greater than end of work

Please check the time values in the sheet. The value 0:00 cant be read by the system. Please enter the value 00:00 or 24:00 if you want to display the end of work for the time 00:00 AM.

Tips for handling Service-Entry-Sheets

Correct order of a order confirmation

  1. Acknowledge purchase order

  2. Create confirmation

  3. Upload confirmation

  4. Transfer confirmations to customer

  5. Delivery completed

I can not find the PO in the BeNeering tool

Please check all filters (1), the right time period (2) and then search for the PO number (3). If you have the PO number, the system will find the PO even with a wrong time period. But then make sure, that you check the filters (1).

I can not find the Confirmation in the BeNeering tool

  1. Search for the Confirmation via the Confirmation Id

  2. Search for the Confirmation via the SAP Number of the Service Entry Sheet

  3. Search for the Confirmation via the Purchase Order Id in the Filter section

I have confirmed the PO, now it is pending in status "In progress"

You have to confirm the service two times. You first have to acknowledge the purchase order and after that create the confirmation. See documentation under Create Confirmation

I have not received a mail

One the user which have created the confirmation will receive a mail about that.

My confirmation is pending in the status "Transfer"

You have to transfer your confirmation to the customer. See documentation under Transfer Confirmations to Customer

I can not check the delivery as completed

The customer first has to accept the confirmation, before you can mark the delivery as completed. See documentation under Delivery completed

I can not access the order portal

Please ask a colleague of you to give you the user role ORDERING_SUPPLIER_ROLE.

The wrong contract is assigned to the PO / No contract is assigned to the PO

Please get in touch with your customer and tell him/her your case. The customer has to change it on their side.

The price of the service in the contract is wrong

Please get in touch with your buyer and tell him/her your case. The customer has to adjust the service in the contract in their SAP.

The order items cannot be rejected

According to the customer process, the order cannot be rejected by the supplier, only the customer.
I recommend contacting the customer and requesting the cancellation of this order.

Service entry sheets for an order have been rejected by the customer.

To create a new service entry sheet you can go to the cancelled service entry sheet and use the "duplicate" function. This then reappears in the status new and can be edited and uploaded again.

There are no confirmations that can be transferred to the customer even though they were created via upload

It is possible to upload confirmations before acknowledging the order. However, only acknowledged Orders can be transferred to the customer.

An error message while uploading a Service Entry Sheet template appears


This message is displayed because the processing time was more than 30 seconds. In this case, the process is running in the background. Normally this occurs when there are a large number of SES elements in Excel. You can click on “Cancel” and then only need to check that everything has loaded as expected.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.