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Error Log file

After a catalog file has been rejected (status PARSE_ERROR) or validated with errors, the error protocol can be found in "Download" column: "Error Log". This file includes error messages.

  • If the file was validated with errors, you will still be able to fix those in Validation Log file.

  • In case of status PARSE_ERROR, your catalog file is corrupted and cannot be processed by our system. Please download the Error log and pass it to your administrator or our support for next steps.


PRODUCT> SupplierAID: 101250 > Keyword max 50 characters for single




Indicates what kind of type it is

SupplierAID: 101250

Shows your own supplier number where the error is.

Keyword max 50 characters for single

This message states that the keyword attribute may have a maximum of 50 characters. It can be concluded from this that the column contains more than 50 characters.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.