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Validation Process

Catalog validation will start after successful upload of the catalog file. The validation happens on the servers in the background there is no status bar visible.

While your file is in validation, you will seee the appropriate message in the "Status" column. By clicking on the"Refresh" button, below the table, you can refresh the table contents to see if the validation process has finished. You will recognize it by the change of status.

The validation process runs in the background of the server. If there are many catalogs in a validation process, they will be processed one after the other if the server load is high. Therefore, a validation can take between 1 minute and in exceptional cases even 2 hours, depending on the position in the queue and the size of the catalogs. As soon as the validation process is completed, an automatic email is sent with the status to the error log.

If the validation Process runs on an Error, you are also albe to Download the Error or Logfile directly here to investigate, the cause of the Issue.

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