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How to create a new user

To create a new user, please click on the button "New" in the top right corner.

You will be prompted with the following screen.

You will see two tabs: "General" and "Roles".

In the General tab you can enter general information about the user like the "Organization" the user is assigned to.

In the "Basics" area you have the following fields:




ID of the user, will be set by system


Select title of the user

First Name

First name of the user

Academic title

Academic title of the user

User name

The user name will serve as login name

Complete name

Complete name of the user

Last name

Last name of the user


Standard language

In the "Communication" area you have the following fields:




Email of the user


Fax number of the user


Telephone number of the user

Mobile phone

Mobile phone number of the user

After clicking on the "Create" button in the top right corner you can navigate to the user "Roles" tab.

Here you can grant the new user roles which are also available for you.


You can only assign roles to users which are also assigned to you. Please contact support if you there is a need to assign other user roles.

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