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BeNeering Cloud Supplier Help

Welcome to our help center. Here you ...


Getting started

You have been requested by your customer or business partner to collaborate at the BeNeering Cloud Portal in one of the areas like catalog management, sourci...


Here you will find step-by-step instructions to help you achieve your first successful catalogue upload. In the following chapters you will also learn: which...


Manage your organization data like users and user roles. The dashboard will give you an overview of users who are registered in your organization. User Manag...

Media Library

Assigning images to catalog items is an important step to improve the visual appeal of the catalog and make it more informative for the users. There are two ...


Learn how to work with sourcing requests received from your customers and how to submit your quotation there. Table of Contents Access to sourcing request Se...


The ordering module is giving suppliers access to the Purchase Orders available in their customer's ERP System. The main objective is the collaboration betwe...

FAQs for all modules

Catalog Click here to see the FAQ for Catalogs Description On this page you will find some Frequently Asked Questions about the Catalog module. If you have a...

BeNeering Cloud Portal Releases

On the pages below you will find your recent releases for the BeNeering Cloud Portal.

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