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FAQ zu Katalogen


On this page you will find some Frequently Asked Questions about the Catalog module.

If you have a question, you can search for it on this page with clicking the buttons Ctrl+F and then entering your question.

How can I change the language?

Just click on the icon at the right top corner and the language you want will be displayed. Click on the Flag to change to the desired language.


How do I see errors and warnings reported for my catalog?

Please see the wiki page Validation Log file and Error Log file.

What does catalog "Valid from" and "Valid to" mean?

While the catalog is valid, it is an active catalog from which your business partner can order products.

You have to make sure that your catalog is in this validation range.

We support you with automatic notification before your catalog expires.

What is a classification system?

The classification system is used to sort every article to a proper product group.

This allows the customer to navigate easier in our procurement system.

How can I request a new password?

Please see the wiki page Resetting password to myCatalogCloud.

How can I upload images and link those to my catalog items?

Please see the wiki page (de) Upload images or mimes.

What happens when my catalog expires?

Please see the wiki page What happens when my catalog expires?

How to write a good ticket?

Please see the wiki page Creating a Ticket: Good Practises

How do I create new users?

Please see the wiki page Registration of additional users

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